Desktop publishing is the designing of printing materials on a computer and the necessary hardware and software.The profession still refers to this as pre-press. This is a blend of occupations like typesetting, photography, retouching, graphic art.
This segment is the link between the concept and the creation of the printing form. Sometimes clients arrive empty handed, they only have ideas when approaching us. We help realise the necessary form with their instructions step by step. The result of this collaboration can be viewed on a screen and then a sample can be inspected. If everything is in order, following an approval signature production can be initiated.
Clients come from a variety of different backgrounds. Some are inexperienced and productions has to start from scratch. Other times clients bring their own digital assets ready for printing. There is a wide spectrum of clients between these two examples and our company is more than capable of cooperating with all of them. We provide solutions to all types of client requests.