Print 2000 Nyomda tábla nyomtatás
Print 2000 Nyomda fejlesztés


Annual special report

Print 2000 Nyomda fejlesztés


INTERCERT Ltd. certifies that the Environmental Management System established and appliedby Print 2000 Ltd. is in accordance with there quirements of the MSZ EN ISO 14001:2005 standard.

Print 2000 Nyomda fejlesztés


Control Union Certifications certifies that Print 2000 Ltd. is in accordance with there quirements of FSC'STD-50-001 (V1,2) foruse of the FSC trade marks by certificate Holders and FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1 FSC standard for Chain of Custody Certification.

Print 2000 Nyomda fejlesztés


OPTEN Ltd. certifies that Print 2000 Ltd. is among the most trustworthy companies on the market. Establishing business relations with the owners of this certificate is an exceptionally low financial risk.